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Squishe Compressor

Engineers Thumb Squishe Compressor

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In shop we've got the Squishe, a Ross Compressor Clone.


This pedal was built in house with the Engineers Thumb design. This pedal features some light wear visible only under certain light. Pedal does not include power supply but will include a box. Here's more info from Engineers Thumb:


"The Engineer's Thumb is a better compressor. It combines all the best features of the popular DIY compressors, without any of the sacrifices. It is built around an LM13700 Operational Transconductance Amplifier (OTA). This is functionally equivalent to the now-obsolete CA3080, which was famously used in the MXR Dynacomp (the Dynacomp works equally well with an LM13700, and it's half the price, so you will find it in some Dynacomp clones such as the Visual Sound Comp-66).


Actually, the majority of guitar compressors currently on the market are Dynacomp clones. Just looking in my local music store at least five out of the thirteen compressors they offer are Dynacomp clones; everything from the Behringer DC9 (£20) to the BBE Bench Press (£144) (five of the others are optical compressors, one is digital, one is VCA and the other two I'm not sure about ).

Therefore, when I set out to build a better compressor, I knew it had to be capable of matching the Dynacomp, but with some sort of advantage over it, otherwise there would be no point. As it turned out the Engineer's Thumb has almost every advantage over it; five times more headroom, about half the noise, and the capability for all five compressor controls! And, believe it or not, it also costs less and uses fewer parts!!


Attack- The time it takes for the compression to kick in when a loud sound comes along.

Release- The time it takes for the gain to recover after the loud sound has passed.

Threshold- How big the input signal has to be before compression can happen. In most stompboxes -­including the Dynacomp- this will simply be labelled "compression" or "sustain" or something.

Ratio- How much the gain reduces during compression. At the extreme we get limiting, where the output signal is maintained at a constant level no matter what the input level. This is exactly what you want for maximum sustain (incidentally, the Dynacomp is a limiter).

Level/volume- You know what this does; compressing a signal makes it sound quieter, so you need some gain to bring the subjective level back to normal. In a compressor this may be called make-up gain.


With the Engineer's Thumb you can adjust all these parameters very easily to suit your taste; in most cases only a single resistor needs to be changed (see schematic).


Units offering all of these things are sometimes called 'five-knob' compressors. There are very, very few guitar pedals that offer all five; most have threshold and level only. A few also have attack (although more often than not it is actually a mis-named release control!). However, it is worth noting that there is little need for both threshold and ratio in a guitar compressor; the same sounds can usually be obtained with either.



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